Building with wood products that invest in forests, conservation, and rural communities.
We are working with mill owners, environmentalists, and building professionals to restore forest health and create a new generation of sustainable buildings.
Every building project has the potential to have a positive impact.
We are committed to building transparency through the wood supply chain, by helping projects connect to local people and forest landscapes. Sourcing wood from these places can have positive impacts on climate change, rural economies, and ecosystem health.
We are helping the building industry contribute to thriving communities and forests by promoting and expanding restoration forest practices.
Millions of board feet of timber are produced annually as part of forest restoration work. This work reduces fire severity and drought while improving water capture, stream health, air quality, and habitat. It also creates sustainable jobs in rural communities.
Learn more about buying wood products linked to restoration forestry on public lands, family forests, and Tribal communities. We are building a market for sourcing restoration wood and sharing the success stories. Together we are connecting urban and rural, economic growth, and environmental health.