Sustainable Northwest Wood
Sustainable Northwest Wood is a wholly owned, for-profit subsidiary of Sustainable Northwest. Ryan Temple is the president of Sustainable Northwest Wood and was instrumental in helping source a large portion of the wood for the Portland Airport's new main terminal.
SNW Wood partnered with ZGF Architects and Timberlab to help the Port of Portland meet their lofty sustainability goals:
1) All the wood would come from sustainably managed forests in Oregon and Washington.
2) With equity in mind, we should source from small landowners, community forests, and tribal lands all over the region.
3) Just like “farm to table” cuisine, we should trace as much of the wood as possible all the way from forest to frame.
To date, SNW Wood has supplied more than 600,000 board feet of our Sustainable Northwest Wood goodness, connected the partners to local forest owners and mills to fill the airport with a canopy of local, sustainable wood that can be traced to the PNW forest from which it came.
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